Foreign citizens and stateless persons can enter Mogilev Medical College (hereinafter referred to as the College) to receive secondary specialized education:
on a paid basis – based on the results of the final certification when mastering the content of the educational program for preparing individuals for admission to educational institutions;
on a paid basis – based on the results of an interview that determines the level of their proficiency in the language in which the educational process is carried out, in an amount sufficient to master the educational program of secondary specialized education.
Admission of foreign citizens and stateless persons to receive secondary specialized education is carried out on the basis of an agreement on the training of a specialist with secondary specialized education on a paid basis.
Agreements, which, in addition to the essential conditions established by law, provide for the responsibility of the parties to pay expenses in the event of circumstances under which a foreign citizen and stateless person can be expelled from the Republic of Belarus, are concluded by an educational institution:
with foreign citizens and stateless persons;
with legal representatives of minor foreign citizens and stateless persons*;
with representatives of foreign citizens and stateless persons acting on the basis of a power of attorney certified by a notary public or an authorized official;
with a legal entity paying the cost of education.
*Upon presentation of documents confirming the status of the legal representative of a minor foreign citizen and a stateless person.
Documents executed in a foreign language shall be accompanied by a notarized translation into Belarusian or Russian.
Foreign citizens and stateless persons are enrolled in the College after passing in the territorial healthcare organizations, determined by the College in agreement with the main department of health of the Mogilev Regional Executive Committee, a mandatory medical examination confirming the absence of medical contraindications to study in the Republic of Belarus. The list of medical contraindications to the education of foreign citizens and stateless persons arriving to study in the Republic of Belarus is established by the Ministry of Health in agreement with the Ministry of Education.
A prerequisite for enrolling foreign citizens and stateless persons in the College is that they have an identity document, as well as a visa and a contract of compulsory medical insurance *, drawn up in the manner prescribed by law.
* With the exception of citizens of states for which a visa-free regime for entry into the Republic of Belarus and exit from the Republic of Belarus is established, as well as persons exempted from compulsory medical insurance.
Mogilev State Medical College is one of the oldest medical educational establishments in Belarus. Located at: 13 Karl Marx Street, Mogilev; e-mail address:
The college trains specialists (profile "Healthcare") in full-time education on the basis of general secondary education in the following specialties:
5-04-0911-03 “General medicine”, qualification “Medical assistant-obstetrician. A doctor assistant”. Training period 2 years 10 months.
5-04-0911-05 “Nursing”, qualification “Nurse”. Training period 2 years (1 year 10 months).
5-04-0911-06 “Medical and diagnostics”, qualification “Medical technologist”. Training period 2 years (1 year 10 months).
5-04-0912-01 “Pharmacy”, qualification “pharmacist”. Training period 2 years (1 year 10 months).
5-04-0911-04 “Medical and preventive care”, qualification “medical assistant -hygienist, epidemiologist. Assistant hygienist, epidemiologist”. Training period 2 years (1 year 10 months).
Our college has all the conditions for training highly qualified specialists. Qualified teaching staff: 1 PhD, 27 teachers with the highest qualification category, 40 teachers with the first qualification category and 9 teachers with the second qualification category.
The college has 4 academic buildings and 2 dormitories. All foreign citizens are provided with places in dormitories. Students have at their disposal reading and assembly halls, a library, aerobic room, a cafe and a buffet. Classrooms and laboratories have all the necessary furniture, the latest equipment, visual and teaching aids, literature and didactic material. Students are engaged in hobby groups and sections. Practical classes are held in training rooms in healthcare institutions of our city.
В соответствии с Инструкцией о порядке проведения подтверждения квалификации и проверочного испытания для лиц, имеющих высшее или среднее специальное медицинское, фармацевтическое образование, не работавших по имеющейся специальности более четырех лет, утвержденной постановлением Министерства здравоохранения Республики Беларусь от 20 сентября 2012 года № 142 (в редакции постановления Министерства здравоохранения Республики Беларусь от 31 декабря 2024 года № 183) прохождение проверочного испытания осуществляется по инициативе соискателя на договорной основе.
Для прохождения проверочного испытания соискатель представляет в учреждение образования заявление о прохождении проверочного испытания и копии следующих документов, заверенных в установленном порядке:
ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНЫЙ СТАНДАРТ РЕСПУБЛИКИ БЕЛАРУСЬ 5-04-0911-06 Медико-диагностическое дело
Проверочное испытание для соискателей состоит из трех этапов:
1. Компьютерное тестирование;
2. Собеседование и решение ситуационных задач;
3. Демонстрация практических навыков с использованием симуляционного оборудования лаборатории по отработке навыков.
Прием документов для подтверждения квалификации (подтверждение диплома) для лиц, не работавших в системе здравоохранения Республики Беларусь более четырех лет, осуществляется заместителем директора по производственному обучению Копытовой Светланой Михайловной по адресу: г. Могилев, ул. К.Маркса, 2, учебный корпус № 4, 2-й этаж, каб. 423, вторник-четверг с 16-00 до 18-00 (по предварительной записи по тел. 70-15-53).
Тренировочное компьютерное тестирование проводится в режиме online (дистанционно, через интернет, из дома): перейти по ссылке
В лаборатории располагается оборудование, полученное с целью реализации Компонента 2 «Повышение уровня клинических компетенций работников здравоохранения по ведению неинфекционных заболеваний» проекта «Модернизация системы здравоохранения Республики Беларусь», финансируемого за счет средств займа Международного банка реконструкции и развития.
Также лаборатория по отработке навыков оснащена компютерной техникой и видеонаблюдением.