Mogilev State Medical College is one of the oldest medical educational establishments in Belarus. Located at: 13 Karl Marx Street, Mogilev; e-mail address:
The college trains specialists (profile "Healthcare") in full-time education on the basis of general secondary education in the following specialties:
5-04-0911-03 “General medicine”, qualification “Medical assistant-obstetrician. A doctor assistant”. Training period 2 years 10 months.
5-04-0911-05 “Nursing”, qualification “Nurse”. Training period 2 years (1 year 10 months).
5-04-0911-06 “Medical and diagnostics”, qualification “Medical technologist”. Training period 2 years (1 year 10 months).
5-04-0912-01 “Pharmacy”, qualification “pharmacist”. Training period 2 years (1 year 10 months).
5-04-0911-04 “Medical and preventive care”, qualification “medical assistant -hygienist, epidemiologist. Assistant hygienist, epidemiologist”. Training period 2 years (1 year 10 months).
Our college has all the conditions for training highly qualified specialists. Qualified teaching staff: 1 PhD, 27 teachers with the highest qualification category, 40 teachers with the first qualification category and 9 teachers with the second qualification category.
The college has 4 academic buildings and 2 dormitories. All foreign citizens are provided with places in dormitories. Students have at their disposal reading and assembly halls, a library, aerobic room, a cafe and a buffet. Classrooms and laboratories have all the necessary furniture, the latest equipment, visual and teaching aids, literature and didactic material. Students are engaged in hobby groups and sections. Practical classes are held in training rooms in healthcare institutions of our city.